im a kampung boy

Saturday, April 2, 2011

minyak dagu, minyak tar, muke berminyak

Assalamualikum Wbt. macam biasalah, selamat malam buat diri aku dan selamat 24 jam kepada reader reader aku yang cantik, kachak hemsem bergaya. HAHA. okay okay. jadi, marilah cerita taerus tentang MINYAK MALAYSIA. maksud aku PETROL. alahhh, yang pasal minyak dagu tuu sume, aku pun tak tahu, nak tahu lebih lanjut dah bleh tgk KHURAFAT . aku bukan blog shaman atau sebagainya. HAHA. aku nak cerita pasal minyak petrol sebenarnya.

baiklah, mari cerita tentang FAKTA (tahun 2008)

  1. semenjak tahun 2005, harga minyak dunia telah meningkat sebanyak 400%.
  2. kerana kenaikan harga minyak tahun 2008 yang mendadak, negara jiran banyak menuang minyak dinegara kita, e.g Singapore Thailand.
  3. ini adalah kerana, walaupun setelah negara kita menaikkan minyak sebanyak 40% harga asal, kita tetap membekalkan bekalan minyak yang murah.
  4. kerajaan Malaysia pernah menghalang pembelian minyak oleh negara luar, tetapi bertahan selama dua hari sahaja.
  5. PETRONAS, mengularkan lebih kurang 650,000 tong minyak sehari.
  6. anggaran penggunaan rakyat Malaysia merupakan lebih kurang 400,000 tong minyak sehari.
  7. lebihan 250,000 tong minyak lain pula akan di eksport keluar negara dengan kos USD130 satu tong
  8. pada tahun 2005, satu tong minyak yang dieksport keluar hanya bernilai USD30 sahaja.
  9. untung bersih eksport minyak MALAYSIA sepatutnya USD100 per barrel.
  10. dan mengikut kiraan, untung bersih tahunan pula bernilai, 250,000 X 100 X 365 X 3 = RM27,375,000,000 (dua puluh tujuh billion ringgit) *pada tahun 2008*
jadi, setelah selesai meniliti fuckta fuckta diatas, aku dapat rangkumkan bahawa, lebih kurang 70billion ringgit lah untung PETRONAS setahun. yakni merupakan pulangan 'hard cold cash' kepada pihak kerajaan.

okay, done with the fact. now, let us talk about the opinion.

after reading the book i bought yesterday, this is some of the opinion from our wise the time when the PETROL price was increased, we were all pissed off by the new price, which was considered to be very expensive. and do all of us remember that at that time too, the government was spreading the easiest answer which was, the government could not longer maintain the budgeted subsidy. and also with the excuse that the increase was never higher than any other country nearby? remember? okay, maybe some of u didn't cause u maybe was still a very young citizen at that time. so, i remind you. ngeee. okay, back to the main topic. by reading the book, i learnt that our PETRONAS itself was a very wealthy government organisation. erasing that fact fast, let us look at the fact that they were saying. i'm going straight to the reason where the price increased was lower than other country, FIRSTLY, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, INDONESIA, is a non-processing-oil country, which they owns no oil resources like we did. as comparing to Brunei, which have their own oil resources like we do, they give FREE oil to citizens, if i'm not mistaken. so, i supposed, we were entitled to get free oil too?? i don't know.

next, talking about this, i noticed that the new price was very low compared to other BIG CITY. yes, you are right indeed. but, do u know that our living cost was lower than them too. things before the oil prices increase, we have a just-nice-economy compared to a very HIGH-COST-LEAVING by the US JAPAN and so on. 

kalau korg pk, kite nye taraf kehidupan sangat rendah ye apabila di bandingkan dengan negara lain. jadi, kalau diorg nye minyak naik mendadak pon, dorg macam leh sustain lagi. tapi kite? macam mane kite nak sustain? time ni lah org miskin makin miskin, org kaya makin kaya. hurm , nanti aku sambung lagi. simpan yang hot dan shiatttt for the best (: thats all for MY POINT OF VIEW.

p.s // sorry fer the shiatt english and bad writting, guaa karang sendiri dari ape gua baca, gua bukan penuliss macam beliauuuu. 

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