im a kampung boy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

tips melayan.

Assalamualaikum Wbt. hello kepada semua reader aku. apakhabar? macam biasalah semalam takde post. hari sabtu kan? heee. jadi, apa yang aku nak bebelkan sebenarnya? takdelah, hari ni aku nak cerita pasal internet. baiklah, aku percaya ramai student yang baca blog aku bukan? haruslah keramaian anda ini memakai broadband bukan? dah macam broadband tulah nyawa korang kan? di saat kau orang mahu membuat esemen, research segala jadah sumekan? betull? haruslahh betul. akupun studeng macam korang.

jadi, apakah yang aku nak repekkan ni?

its about Malaysian know? the so-slow-moving internet in Malaysia. okay, how many of you get stuck in the middle of something really important because of your internet when down, and get as slow as you can't possibly imagine? how many of you quit doing your research because of the tiredness of waiting for your internet to buffer? how many of you do actually switch off your laptop and start to @#$%^>:?>(*&^%$# your broadband? hahaha. i know many did. many felt the tense when dealing with the internet speed of your broadband. i did not hesitate to list some of the vendor's name such as CELCOM, HOTLINK, DIGI and STREAMyx too. how many of you do agree with me? hahaha. do google buzz the button +1 down there. whatever it is. internet is a very important medium nowadays. lots of benefits come from internet for student. but how do we, get to look for all the benefits with very slow moving internet.

i always heard about this manifesto saying that Malaysian student supposed to get used to the internet very well as now is the era of globalization where everything is on our fingertips. the government stressed that everyone in Malaysia must know internet. every young kids must be teach with knowledge of internet. but do the government realize that Malaysian internet service is as bad as the slow moving snail? i wish they don't because for sure at the government office, everything is running fast, but excuse me, how about the citizen? do they forget bout us? the only good internet connection in Malaysia is, UNIFI TM which, i admit very fast. but do you know how much it cost to have this good connection? lots of Ringgit. plus with all the procedure where we need to have a home-phone-land-line makes it harder for student like us to actually afford this good UNIFI thing.

kerajaan benar benar nak pelajar Malaysia maju. benar benar nak kita buat semua based on internet kan? tak macam semua pasal universiti kite pon kat internet dah skg kan? result, register course, even register penempatan baru pun pakai internet sekarang, mana main surat surat lagi. bagus dah tu. tapi internet Malaysia ??? okay, nak jadikan sistem maju tapi, perkhidmatan tak mahu tingkatkan. apekah motif semua ni?? propaganda kosong sahaja atau bagaimana? memang kalau kite tengok balik kerajaan macam tak bersalah, tapi, kalau kerajaan tak cukai vendor vendor ni mahal mahal,maka mereka pon takkan nak charge kita mahal. bukan? poom pam aku dengar kerajaan kata nak bagi internet wifi free dimana mana sahaja dicerukkota mahupun kampung. okay.mungkin ada. tapi buat ape ye????? kalau nak connect pon amek masa setengah jam?? aku tak faham. langsung tak faham senanye. macam main tarik tali. rasa tak?? entahlah. pelik pelik je. jangan kata benda ini penting kalau anda hanya goyang kaki dan tak bagi apa inisiatif untuk menampakkan kepentingannya? 

okay, cukuplah aku marah marah dipagi yang mulia ni. thats all from MY POINT OF VIEW.

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